Get Back to the Basics of Skincare

Use the following tips to minimize breakouts and prevent acne; consider natural solutions that promise glowing skin without the harsh chemicals of many facial products. Visit a skincare professional when you experience stubborn blemishes or severe acne to determine if pharmacological intervention would be an effective approach. 


More is not necessarily better when it comes to cleaning your face; to prevent or heal acne, wash your face twice a day with a gentle, mild facial cleanser and warm water. Always use a soft cloth, not a harsh loofah or washcloth, and dry with a clean towel. Because bacteria is so easily transmitted, never use your cleaning cloth or towel more than once to prevent break-outs and pimples.


It is important to exfoliate once a week to get rid of dead-skin cells and dirt that promote acne and breakouts. Choose exfoliation products, peels, and masks carefully to ensure they are not too abrasive or harsh for your skin, particularly if you have sensitive skin or are experiencing a breakout. A great natural scrub is made with equal parts of coconut oil and organic sea salt until it creates a paste. Gently rub the mixture on the skin, working in a circular motion for around 60-seconds. Thoroughly rinse your face with plenty of warm water and dab-dry with a clean, fluffy towel.


If you are already using products designed to treat acne, you may experience dry skin and peeling so your skin needs moisturizing. Use moisturizers that are labelled as noncomedogenic and oil-free, which means they won't clog pores or cause acne. Some may find that ingredients in their kitchen cabinet are all that they need to create an all-natural moisturizer: combine avocado, organic honey, and a bit of cream for a facial moisturizer that will bring a healthy glow to the skin. Puree in a blender, apply, and leave on your skin for an hour. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Treating ingrown hairs.

Anyone who shaves or waxes can experience ingrown hairs. It is important to treat ingrown hairs, as these are what develop into acne and blackheads. Use a little bit of tea tree oil, aloe vera gel, and witch hazel after your skincare or hair-removal regimen to prevent pimples from forming. Aloe vera provides a cooling sensation after shaving or waxing that can soothe irritations and prevent skin problems; tea tree oil and witch hazel are both natural astringents that loosen up the hair follicles surrounding potential pimples, while providing anti-inflammatory and antiseptic impact on the skin. Look for these products when you get your waxing supplies.

Staying healthy and hygenic.

Sleep. The amount of sleep that you get impacts the condition of your skin, as well as the frequency and severity of breakouts.

Diet. Are you eating enough fiber? Fresh fruits and vegetables provide fiber which helps to remove waste and toxins from the body that could be affecting your complexion.

Linens. Be sure that you are laying your head on a clean pillowcase each night, and washing your face with a clean washcloth each morning. Dirty linens transfer bacteria and dead-cells to your skin, which can provoke a breakout or pimple.

Shaving. Use a high-quality razor for shaving and be sure that the blade is clean and rust-free.

Cosmetics. Use makeup sparingly, especially when you are experiencing a breakout.

Your bed. Your mattress is a sponge for the oils, dead-cells, and dirt that could be transferred from your skin while you sleep. Be sure that you replace your bed's mattress every seven years for optimal skin protection.
